Selskabet er et bredt psykoanalytisk
orienteret selskab af psykologer og
børne- og ungdomspsykiatere

Litteraturliste for Læsekredsen København


  1. september 2014:
  • Melanie Klein: “The Origins of Transference”
  • Betty Joseph: ”Transference, the Total Situation”
  • Dina Rosenbluth: “Transference in Child Psychotherapy”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, nr. 2, 1970.
  1. januar 2015:
  • Betty Joseph: “Projective Identification. Some Clinical Aspects” , i: “Projective Identification, the Fate of a Concept” Elisabeth Spillius (ed), Routledge 2012.
  • Ignes Sodré: “Whos is Who? Notes on Pathological Identification” , i: “Projective Identification, the Fate of a Concept” Elisabeth Spillius (ed), Routledge 2012.


  1. marts 2015:
  • Melanie Klein: “Notes on some Schizoid Mechanisms”, i: “Projective Identification, the Fate of a Concept” Elisabeth Spillius (ed), Routledge 2012.
  • Bion: “Attacks on Linking”, i: “Projective Identification, the Fate of a Concept” Elisabeth Spillius (ed), Routledge 2012.


  1. maj 2015:
  • Inge Bretherton: “The Origins of Attachment Theory”, i: Developmental Psychology vol 28, 1992.
  • Katrine Zeuthen, Signe Holm Pedersen og Judy Gammelgaard: ”Tilknytning og Udviklingens Drivkraft, En kritisk diskussion af empirisk spædbarnsforskning”, i: Psyke og Logos, 2008.
  • John Bowlby og Mary Ainsworth: “An ethological approach to Personality Development”, i: American Psychologist, vol. 46, 1991.
  1. september 2015:
  • Katrine Zeuthen, Signe Holm Pedersen og Judy Gammelgaard: ”Tilknytning og Udviklingens Drivkraft, En kritisk diskussion af empirisk spædbarnsforskning”, i: Psyke og Logos, 2008.
  • John Bowlby og Mary Ainsworth: “An ethological approach to Personality Development”, i: American Psychologist, vol. 46, 1991.
  • ‘Infantil seksualitet’ af Zeuthen, kap. 3, I: Det Taler, 2012
  1. november 2015
  • Freud, Sigmund: ”Drifter og Driftsskæbner”
  • Charlotte Simonsen: ”Det intersubjektive ubevidste”, i: Det Taler, 2012


  1. januar 2016:
  • Liselotte Grünbaum: ”A Study of Anxieties and Dilemmas Relating to Breaks in the Therapeutic Relationship with Children Whose Relationships in Early Infancy were reported to have been Emotionally Unstable and Traumatized: A systematic Study of a Young Child who had suffered early abuse and neglect.”, University of East London, 2014.
  1. maj 2016:
  • Alvarez, A. (2010): Levels of analytic work and levels of pathology: The work of calibration. International Journal Psychoanalysis, 91, 859-878.
  • Meltzer, D., (1976): Temperature and Distance as technical dimensions of inter-pretation. In: A. Hahn (ed.): Sincerety and other works. Collected papers of Don-ald Meltzer (pp. 374-386). London: Karnac, 2005).
  1. september 2016

Julia Borossa, Catalina Bronstein and Claire Pajaczkowska (eds): “The New Klein-Lacan Dialogues”, Karnac 2015

  • Chapter 2: Bernard Burgoyne: “An Introduction to Lacan”;
  • Chapter 18: Claire Pajaczkowska: “Autism”;
  • Chapter 19: Maria Rhode: “A Kleinian approach to the treatment of Children with Autism”;
  • Chapter 20: Marie Christine Laznik: “Lacan and Autism”.
  1. november 2016:

Botella and Botella: “Psychic Figurability”, Routledge 2005,

  • Introduction by Michael Parsons
  • Chapter 3: “Non-representation”

1.februar 2017

Liselotte Grünbaum og Karen Vibeke Mortensen: ”Psykodynamisk Psykoterapi med børn og unge”, Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2016

  • Kapitel 12, bind 1: ”Psykoterapi ved kompleks traumatisering”
  • Kapitel 7, bind 2: ”Traumets dialektik mellem genoplevelse og undgåelse – set i et traumatiseret barns tegninger”, af Inge Margrethe Libstrup Sørensen
  • Kapitel 8, bind 2: ”Det posttraumatiske mareridt: kongevejen til ubevidst integration?”, af Liselotte Grünbaum.


 17. maj 2017

  • Lise Winther: “”Psykoterapi med autistiske børn” i: Liselotte Grünbaum og Karen Vibeke Mortensen: ”Psykodynamisk Psykoterapi med børn og unge”, bind 2, Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2016
  • Anne Alvarez: “Play and the Imagination: where pathological play may demand a more intensified response from the therapist”, I: The Thinking Heart, 2012.

27. september 2017

  • Margaret Rustin: “A brief comment on Meltzer’s approach to sexuality”, i: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2016.
  • Margaret Rustin: “Some comments on “The absent object” by Edna O’Shaughnessy”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2016
  • Margarat Rustin: “The psychology of depression in ypung adolescents: A psychoanalytic view of origins, inner workings and implications”, i: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2009.

8. november 2017

  • Edna O’Shaughnessy: “The absent Object”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 1964
  • Supplerende: – Margot Waddell: “Integration, unintegration, disintegration: an introduction”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2006.
  • Supplerende: – Anne Alvarez: “Some questions concerning states of fragmentation: Unintegration, under-integration, disintegration, and the nature of early integrations”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2006.
  • Supplerende: Edna O’Shaughnessy: “A conversation about early unintegration, disintegration and integration”, i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2006.

6. februar 2018

  • Anne Alvarez: ‘Under-integration and integration at the paranoid-schizoid level.’ i: The Thinking Heart, Routledge, 2012.

19. april 2018

  • Anne Alvarez: “Types of sexual transference and countertransference in work with children and adolescents” I: “The Thinking Heart”, Routledge, 2012.

11. oktober 2018: 

  • Paola Marion: “Infantile Sexuality and Freud’s Legacy”, International Journal Psychoanalysis, 2016, 97, s. 641-664.
  • Supplerende: Katrine Zeuthen: “Børn og Seksualitet”, Månedsskrift for almen praksis 2012, nr 4, s. 305-314.

13. november 2018:

  • Donald Winnicott: “Hate in the Countertransference”, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1949, s. 69-74.

6. februar 2019

  • Donald Winnicott: “The Capacity to be Alone”, 1958.

25. april 2019

  • Liselotte Grünbaum: “Transmission of complex trauma: Family oriented intervention before child psychotherapy” i: Journal of Child Psychotherapy, vol 44, 2018.

Læsekredsen i København holder pause.